Syndicate Reviews
from: (E-Zine)
Syndicate - Syndicate
"Desensitized" is a pretty cool intro filled with samples ranging
from Clinton's speech about smoking pot but not liking it to samples from
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Then "Empty Stare" builds on that
with lyrics like "wrapped around the TV they sit and stare." This band
is pretty talented with a singer who I swear sounds just like this one
guy but I can't place it for the life of me. No this isn't a finger-pointing-you-guys-suck-and-aren't-original
type of thing. In fact Syndicate are really kick ass with a bassist that
slaps you in the nuts only to elbow drop you back in the dirt. They really
are bad-ass. Check them out.
- J-Sin
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